Felix Viscuglia, born in Niagara Falls New York, was a world- renowned clarinetist. In the early 60’s Felix performed at many local clubs to include The Whirlpool, The Glass Bar and Club Rhapsody to
name a few. He was hired for weddings and many private functions to play either his clarinet in Western New York.
Felix moved to Nevada in 1978 where his music career continued to flourish after traveling with the Boston Pops for several years. He was a member of the Boston Pops and the Boston Symphony from 1966 to 1978, the Utah Symphony from 1984 to1987, and was founding member of the Las Vegas Philharmonic.
Felix was also a featured solo performer at both Carnegie Hall in New York City and Symphony Hall in Boston Massachusetts. In addition to performing, he was a beloved teacher at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston University, The Tanglewood Institute, Phillips Exeter Academy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The University of Utah, and University of Nevada Las Vegas.
He was a founding member of the award-winning Sierra Wind Quintet and a member of the Marine Band while serving military duty in World War II. Felix inspired countless students and colleagues, not only with his talent, but also with his ability to share his knowledge of how to handle the juxtaposition of art and business in the music world.
He was a great role model to many and always managed to find humor in every situation. For all of his music accomplishments and contributions, it is a great pleasure to honor Felix Viscuglia and his
legacy in the Niagara Falls Music Hall of Fame Class of 2018.